A Love Story Pt. 02

Rhonda woke abruptly sensing Nick's restlessness; her head resting on his shoulder, tucked under his arm with her hand over his heartbeat. It was too dark in the room to see that he was awake and staring at her but she could feel it. Softly she said, "Feeling restless?" His hand moved to brush back her hair and answered. "You know me. Always restless and moving. But actually I'm more desperate than anything."

Rhonda raised herself up on her elbow. "Desperate for what? Are you hungry?" Suddenly she realized that they never did order room service and all they had for dinner was some chocolate and wine. "I'm sorry Honey, You must be starving!"

Nick moved quickly, rolling her onto her back and pinning her down with his weight. "Only for more of you. All I want to eat is right here."

With that Nick began planting tender kisses on her forehead, her nose, her lips where he lingered for a bit, down the curve of her neck and on to her breasts, first one and then the other. Her nipples, always responsive to attention, perked up right away, puckering in anticipation. Nick paused for some time, licking, teasing and sucking each perfect pink point. God, I love her, he thought as he lingered over her, knowing he could coax her to cum even with just breast play alone. She never failed to amaze him with her responses. He knew she was rare for a woman in her 50's, facing 2 knee surgeries and named Grandma. He smiled at the thought as his tongue continued its journey down her belly and the small mound leading to her pussy.

The fingers of one hand pulling and lightly twisting her nipples, he parted her legs with the other and dipped his head between them. The smell of her, as always, made his cock harden to rock solid. He planted light kisses on the inside of her thighs as he heard her sigh deeply. There was no rush. He would stay buried in her sex the rest of the night if she wanted him to. He intentionally brushed his beard against her legs and the light expanse of hair leading to pure gold. He knew how much she loved the feel of his beard on her skin. She loved knowing that it would soon be soaked and dripping with her juices.

Nick rubbed his whiskers over her soft skin, darting his tongue out to lap up the moisture that collected quickly. The insides of her legs were already sticky and fragrant from the first cums of the night. He had climaxed as she rode him, his hands filled alternately with her breasts, her hips and her ass. He loved watching her move above him, sliding smoothly up and down on his hard cock. Not cumming too soon took effort but he really worked hard to have her cum first. He always knew when she was close. Her eyes would capture his if there was enough light and her breathing would grow shallow while the noises she made grew louder. Just before the magic moment she would begin crying out, "Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok," over and over, slowly and then increasingly faster. Her head would tilt back while in the cowgirl position, thrusting her tits closer to his eager mouth.

Then as he sucked a hard nipple in he would feel her legs begin to shake as she breathed out a loud series of Oks. Watching her climax was pure joy for him. Earlier he had placed his thumb on her clit, rubbing and teasing until she had to move back because of the intensity. Just after cumming her body quivered and she would need a few minutes, he knew, but that was the moment when he loved to strike. Tweaking her little button, intensely sucking and nibbling on her hard nipples, teasing her pussy with insistent fingers were all the things he loved to do, knowing she would be beyond control. He loved silently directing her in those moments. Not in a bad or controlling way, just an erotic 'push the limits of her orgasm' way. Many years of being lovers had taught him a thing or two about his sweet wife.

The mixture of his cum and hers filled his mouth and nose as he continued to linger between her legs. The smells never failed to move him. He dipped his head lower to run his tongue along the folds of her pussy. He felt her quiver and felt her hands on his hair, grasping at his scalp. As he moved higher to seek her clit her hand moved to his face. Rhonda loved to stroke his beard as he licked and sucked on the delicate flesh of her sex. He flicked his tongue over her clit, pushing aside the small hood that stood in his way. Her fingers stroked his face, gently guiding him to just the perfect spots. Licking her clit before switching to sucking, feeling her fingers grasp his face and his hair as she wiggled, he turned slightly to take her fingers into his mouth and felt her relax while he tongued them.

Then just as she breathed out a deep sigh he grabbed her hand with his and moved it to her belly, holding it down tightly. She stiffened in anticipation as he buried his face and attacked her clit with renewed purpose. She began writhing on the bed fighting to get away but of course not really fighting. She wanted the dance as much as he did and many years of lovemaking had perfected every step. He insistently pressed against her hot little button while her juices covered his face. Keeping up with the moisture was next to impossible but Nick was up for the challenge. Soon he would feel her cum hard; her legs shaking and her hands pulling his head hard against her. Her loud Oks would signal the point of no return and then he knew to slow down the erotic attack on her as her body tensed in a huge orgasm.

After feeling her cum and then begin to relax, Nick then moved up to her for his 'almost' favorite part. In truth he couldn't possibly characterize any part of sex with Rhonda as his favorite. It was all perfect and he wouldn't ever tell Rhonda this but he really did enjoy the moments just after bringing her to cum like that as he moved up and over her to rub his soaked beard over her face. It may seem controlling again to an outsider but she actually craved those moments with him. Rubbing against his wet beard with his weight holding her securely down was her moment of extended climax. She opened her mouth to run her teeth through the hair, satisfied at the feel of his extremely wet face. Knowing that he loved it as much as she did was amazingly intense. Their combined desires and smells came together in those intimate moments. Never before, for either of them had they experienced such pure expressions of desire and fulfillment. Over 30 years of lovemaking should have such benefits although they both knew that theirs was an unusual union compared to many couples.

As Rhonda's breathing slowed down Nick moved off of her and rolled her to her side nestled tightly against him. Spooning while making love was a tender expression that they both enjoyed equally. Rhonda swung her leg over his as he grasped his hard cock in his hand and placed it at her hole. Entering her from behind like that gave the illusion of tightness. Moving his arms to envelop her and with her ass firmly pressed against him, Nick let out a long held breath and guided his cock into her. Her breath caught and then she pushed back against him as he started fucking her slowly. His lips began kissing the back of her neck and his free hand fondled her breast while she began to squirm. Rhonda captured his other hand and took a couple of fingers into her mouth. Nick sighed deeply, moving to his elbow while tonguing her upper back. For the thousandth time he silently thanked God for her. She must have been thanking God too since she suddenly started crying out, "Oh God, oh God" over and over. They came together in that position, his hand grasping her breast, her hand reaching back to his thigh to hold him close and their tongues intertwined with her somehow turning her head far enough to meet his mouth.

As they laid together on their sides and faced the wall of windows, there was no need for conversation. Their breathing slowed and their bodies calmed. Eventually his cock slipped out and his arm moved to her waist to hold her tightly against him. After some time Rhonda heard Nick's breathing change as he slipped off to sleep. She snuggled up against him and allowed sweet sleep to visit her as well.

Three days later Rhonda and Nick checked into the hospital early in the morning. After all the pre-op procedures were complete they had a few private moments alone before they wheeled her away to surgery. Although the road to this surgery had been long, Rhonda was suddenly apprehensive. Nick held her hand and kissed her sweetly. "I'll be here when you wake up. I love you." Rhonda ran her hand over his beard covered jaw and whispered, "I love you too."

As Nick waited for news in the family room off the surgery area, his thoughts drifted to the previous weekend and all the fun they'd had. It touched Nick when Rhonda planned surprises for him. His surprises tended to be big - like last minute getaways to a tropical island - but his wife knew that making small efforts like the weekend at the hotel, was a way to keep their marriage fresh. He appreciated her efforts and certainly benefitted from them. His laptop sat on a table in front of him but his mine began to wander to more enjoyable things. Work could wait.

On the previous Saturday morning the couple woke still spooned together. He tended to be a pretty restless sleeper but not that night. As they woke and began to get out of bed their bodies stuck together, remnants of their lovemaking. Sticky skin had to be peeled apart before they could get up. They laughed as they untangled themselves and Nick said, "I think we both need a shower." "Oh definitely! Me first!" Rhonda answered already moving toward the bathroom with Nick on her heels.

The oversized shower was perfect for two. Of course, Rhonda had made sure there would be a big shower available for them before she made the reservation. Nick started the water while Rhonda retrieved a bottle of body wash from a bag on the counter. She moved in next to her husband wrapping her arms around him from the back. The hot water hit Nick's chest while her hands roamed over him. He leaned back against her, reveling in the attention. She gently pinched his nipples and brushed through the hair on his chest. She planted kisses on his back, shoulders and neck until he began to turn in her arms. His arms moved around her body as she lathered her hands with the body soap. She started with his neck and shoulders, massaging with her soapy hands. Light kisses on his chest were followed by her lathered hands as she moved down his body. Her tongue traced a trail down to his belly button before she soaped him up there. Rhonda moved to sit on the small bench built into the shower and grabbed his hips as she moved. He grabbed the loofa that she brought, lathered it up and started soaping up her back, shoulders and breasts. Rhonda's hands moved over his lower belly, playing with the hair that grew more dense as she continued to move down his body.

Nick's breath caught as Rhonda slipped her hand between his legs, soaping up his balls, cock and ass. Her finger slowly explored his asshole for a few minutes. It moved smoothly in and out as his breathing quickened and his cock stood at full attention. Speaking of attention, she knew that she had his in full.

"How does that feel baby?" She asked him although she already knew the answer.

"You know what that does to me,". He breathed. Her other hand now firmly grasped his hard cock, sliding up and down slowly.

Rhonda finished soaping up his legs, feet, ass and back before she began to rinse him off. He watched her anticipating what was next. Sure enough when the soap was all rinsed off she turned him to face her. Sitting on the bench put her at the perfect height to move in and lightly tease the head of his cock with her tongue. Then she began licking up and down the length of him while massaging his balls in her hand. Nick tolerated the erotic torture for a time but eventually moved to begin washing her too. His hands moved over her smooth skin; her shoulders, back, neck, breasts and arms until he knelt before her and lathered up her belly. His eyes held hers intently while his fingers moved down to explore her sex. He dipped his head down to tongue her clit as his hand moved over the mysterious folds of her. Glancing up at her face, he was encouraged to step up the attention he lavished on her. Her fingers buried in his hair, her head thrown back and her pussy producing almost as much moisture between her legs as the shower head, he knew she was close to cumming. His free hand moved to her ass to hold her close as he entered her with two fingers and quickly flicked her clit with his tongue. Soon he heard her begin to cry out, "Ok, Ok, Ok," over and over, growing in volume and intensity. He buried his face in her until her legs shuddered and she came hard. He lessened the pressure but continued to lick her and fuck her with his fingers as her body began to relax. Finally, as he knew she would, she gently pushed him back. The sensations became too much and she made it clear when she needed a break. He loved that about her. She wasn't afraid to direct him but she was also willing to follow. In short, they were perfect for each other sexually.

When Rhonda caught her breath she stood and moved him to sit on the bench. Knowing that it may be the last time she would be able to bend her knees very far, she moved up onto his lap, took his hard cock in her hand and began lowering herself on it. He kissed her lightly and then with growing intensity as his hands rested on her hips and helped her rock up and down. Their tongues danced as she rode him, feeling him hit the deepest part of her with each stroke.

"Well, everything went well. No surprises." Rhonda's doctor interrupted his thoughts. Nick's face reddened as he moved his hands to cover his lap He had been so lost in the memory that he wasn't aware of what state his cock was in. Good chance it was at least semi-hard. Just thinking of being with Rhonda was enough to arouse him in any situation.

Nick cleared his throat and said, "Great! She's in recovery now? How soon can I see her?"

"Someone will come and get you in a hour or so. Then they'll tell you what room she's be in and you can meet her there."

Nick thanked the surgeon and put his erotic memories on hold as he called the kids and other close family and friends to share the good news. Then, less than a week later, life changed.












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