Quest for Cum Ch. 08

Why had she thought it'd be anything but disaster? Cackles of fire laughed at Li as she knelt in the burning refuse of what used to be her village, moonlight barred by smoke from seeing the dead and moaning bodies all around. Those still alive sported fecund bellies and glossy skin. The reek of sex flattened even the acrid stench of smoke and decay. She kept moving despite the tears on her face, hideous body in full control. She was a Monster. The same creatures she'd sworn to end had subsumed her own existence. All those people had confirmed it.

Bitter laughter barked from her lips as she scrambled for the dagger. Saliva dribbled down onto the face of who she once loved, their features contorted in unwanted ecstasy just like her mind. Only one path remained open to her, the others were shrouded in icy thorns and darkness. She raised the weapon high, blade aimed for her throat. This would be the end.

Instead of cold steel, she felt the familiar corruptive burn turn her woes to ash and soot as it collected in her stomach. Even in her own loathing, her existence one that defiled the very air, she wasn't prepared to die.

Bones snapped and creaked back into place. Skin exploded from her body, replaced by layered scales that pushed out from her rear, blood dribbled from her mouth as fangs elongated and nipped her gums, and her cocks nestled deep in moisture swelled bigger. Her loved one cried and struggled, tears mixing with her own, born from abhorrence and agony. Claws pierced human skin when she quelled the violence, staring into those eyes that reflected her new malformed life. Her belly snarled, mind-consumingly vacant.

Survivors approached from behind, yet she swept them away with her new tail. Nothing would interrupt her as she wrapped it around her lover, still thrusting into those depths that both welcomed and despised her. Soon they were trapped, not even moving a hair from place, and she opened her mouth wide. As the head slipped across her tongue and into her gullet, sobbing giggles vibrated her entire body.

It was so good...

She was a Monster...

She was cumming...

Everything was ecstasy...

As the sun rose and the flames lost the war against a sudden rainfall, she stood and sniffed the air. Better prey wasn't far. How would they taste? What did their insides feel like? She licked her lips, dicks standing to attention between multiple breasts. A plump gut was all that remained of her loved one, but now they'd never leave her. They'd live on as part of her gorgeous, grotesque body forever.

Li collapsed near a puddle that reflected her face. She hid behind her hands, yet they did nothing to conceal the Monster she'd become, or the grin that clashed against her endless tears. She needed Mina... that stranger might be the only one that could complete her.

Deep in a cave, bats squeaked and fled from the guttural moans reverberating throughout. It was there Mina had chosen to wait out the abrupt storm. Days had elapsed into a week since she parted ways with Li, compass recovered, and spent her time waiting for the next transformation to ambush her like it had with Uma. Her vigilance paid off as thunder rolled outside and her body decided it was time.

At that moment, Mina had her cock lodged inside her mouth. With the heavy rainfall, she didn't want to travel, and she'd ignored her libido since the morning. She stroked along its length, moaning when her hands pushed against her spines and rubbed across her fat knot. A dense ring marked the halfway point, which shot a pleasant tingle down to her balls whenever she touched it. Her hips pumped in tandem, scrotum gliding along her engorged pussy.

Bliss pierced her languid state and jerked her forward and down. Mina gagged around her cock, now bulging through her throat, the exterior stretched thin enough to see the nerve rich spines, and sank to the ring. Attempts to pull back were halted by the protrusions, forcing pleasure upon the sudden ecstasy melting her thoughts and body. Her eyes widened as hair fell into view.

She was proud to have kept it trim during her journey. The length never went past her shoulders and she kept the bangs short or tied back, yet now they shrouded her sight in a blue haze. She pulled it away and watched, fascinated, as colours streaked across the cuticles. With all the changes, she hadn't paid attention to her hair, only now seeing how drastic it was altered. Ocean blue, cosy brown, wild green, and a fiery crimson coursed through her formerly blonde locks.

All her focus leapt from the rainbow strands to her breasts. They were squished firmly against her lap and sheath, embracing the member tight as her mouth did, and consumed much of the view. Before her eyes, they spread out and rose, nipples engorging thicker to grind into her legs. Heavier moans vibrated around her prick.

She jerked and hugged herself as the fire enveloped her skin from scalp to sole. Only her curves and genitals were spared. The rest seared hotter until the colour changed, though it didn't turn red, instead it cooled and turned a vibrant green accented by blue veins. Hard, smooth scales appeared along her arms, replacing the skin with an exotic cocktail of colours, perfect for camouflage in the wild. Despite the armour, she felt soft under her own touch.

The same sensations bled across her body, up her neck, over her cheeks, and down her legs. Before long, the only parts that felt and looked organic were the most sexual aspects. She groped her tits, groaning at how they all but poured through her fingers, so huge and soft. Her long tongue spiralled around her cock, extending further than expected, and licked up any globs of drool or pre-cum that escaped her famished gullet. The flames dampened to a smoulder.

Mina sighed and suckled on her shaft. It must be over, she thought and worked hard toward an orgasm. Once it was over, she'd find a reflection and check herself properly, for now she forced her head back over the spines, more of her big, black and pink cock appearing before she dove straight to the knot. Regardless of scales or skin, her throat still bulged obscenely.

Lust urged her lower. Her cock bent along the passage of her oesophagus, all but knocking on her stomach, then forced inside as her lips and jaw strained around the knot. Another wave of lava covered her and seeped to the bone. As her back elongated, arms and legs following suite, she moaned for more. Even among her other transformations, this had her teetering on the edge, above a bottomless ravine waiting to be filled with cum. In reality, the ravine was just her stomach.

But it felt no less empty. Her cheeks bulged with her knot, even as her entire body grew from the cum she'd ingested a week ago, and pre-cum stifled her belly's whining, though for just a moment. Mina reached down to cup her balls, then crossed her eyes to peer down at them. The black, leathery sack was shiny and taut from its luggage, that being a pair of testes almost the size of her head. Something more furrowed her brow.

There was loose, flap of skin. Like a second, empty scrotum. Her sheath had fattened unevenly as well, stretching around from her overall growth, yet it was lengthened, like a second cock had stacked inside... She stopped the thought in its place, recalling Tiffany's dual members by way of explanation. A curious poke inside the natural cock-sock confirmed it; a new prick had formed.

Like a child playing hide and seek, knowing it was found, it jumped out in one last surprise. Mina followed its progress high above her head. Unlike its senior, the new shaft was smooth, lacking the aggressive veins, and glossy with pre-cum spilling from its peak. The full sensation of growth coalesced into her wanting sack, two more testicles rose like dough until they were fat and heavy as the originals. She wanted to taste her new member, however it seemed impossible for her mouth to handle anything more.

Mina rolled her eyes at herself and hooked a finger past the prime shaft. She tugged and her mouth expanded as desired. If she hadn't met Rimuru before Tiffany, this would be a distant, perverse dream, yet her body possessed every skill needed to satisfy her ever changing self. If she needed to stretch for her knot, then she would. If she grew another dick from nowhere that gave her a sudden need to swallow it, then her mouth would accommodate. As she crammed it in alongside the first, a thought crossed her mind that pushed her over that edge.

One cock oozing straight into the stomach, the other lubing her gullet, Mina grabbed at her balls and mashed them into her pussy. Heart pounding in glee, her balls churned against her sopping folds, then a pair sank inside. Cum was already on its way up her now doubled urethras, but the penetration and obscene stretching sent her into overdrive.

She kept milking the balls outside as her belly powered through the sizes of a pregnancy and beyond. With her knot and second prick clogging the way, only drops escaped past her lips. None of it went elsewhere, directed by her gulps to balloon her stomach further. It swelled around her rigid shafts, squishing against them, while her larger tits doused her legs and the floor in milk. Mina's pussy palpitated around her balls to urge a denser flow.

Though only a tiny river leaked, Mina tasted it like her mouth was overflowing with cum. Each strained breath she took through her nose was saturated in her musk, a brutal mixture of her masculinities and femininity, each inciting her cocks and pussy respectively. Pleasure rushed harder, bombarded her mind, and reduced her to a moaning beast. The sounds ricocheted off the walls and in her ears.

Not a creature disturbed her through the night. Males caught whiff of her scent and scurried away, while females believed whatever cock was inside had been claimed. Even the humans that wandered off the beaten path in search of shelter moved on, confused by the aroma that both aroused and belittled them. Though unintended, her messy actions created the perfect barrier for her to slumber through the storm.

The cloak she'd been using proved too small after the growth spurt and was tearing in places. To pass for human, she needed to conceal everything, even her feet and hands, which necessitated a small robbery. Mina stalked a band of traders, chosen for a woman of unusual height. By a small fortune, they were headed where the compass directed. After a couple nights of observation, she found her chance, swept in and out before anyone noticed her. She had a bag and dress slung over either shoulder.

In the bag were extra clothes; shoes and gloves. They had some leftover strips of fabric, which she'd need for her penises. Once a safe distance away, Mina tested her disguise in front of a pond. The sunlight gleamed across the water and off her scales, her reflection a strange mix of stunning and worrying, each facet like a tiny jewel embedded in the skin that stood out against her matte toned cocks. Her sheath all but absorbed the light.

"I don't look very human anymore," Mina said and sat down, glancing at the stolen dress. Civilisation seemed a lifetime away, though her ears caught the nearby bustling of villagers going about their lives. She checked the compass; it still pointed north east, away from the closer town. Sighing in relief, she chuckled at her watery mirror-image.

Was that how a Monster felt? Only Tiffany had actively hunted for humans and took them against their will, but the others seemed content to live in solitude or as hermits, keeping to themselves wherever possible. She'd considered it before, though it seemed more prevalent the longer she travelled, that humans mistreated an entire species just for the actions of a few. Such was their way.

They were her kind. She may resemble a Monster Futa, however she was born human, grew up with them, although none of the other villagers cared for her. Just a couple more hurdles stood in her path, the raccoon and the giant, then she'd turn around and make the long trek back home where Jules would fix her. 'Fix'? Mina never thought herself broken. Even now, staring at the mismatched eyes, hair and skin of her body, she didn't think so. Did she want to undo it all?

"Ugh, this quest is messing with my head," she groaned and scurried to put the dress on. With the cowl over her face, shoes and gloves on, she resembled a normal person, if incredible well endowed, that wanted to be left alone. She used the fabric to tie her shafts together and down to prevent too obscene a bulge from protruding. Her bust and hips would distract from what remained of it.

"Good enough," Mina muttered, grimacing at the claustrophobic sensation, like her clothes were tightening, closing in on her from all direction. She all but moaned as she removed them, tits bounding into freedom, while her cocks slapped on her thighs. Until she needed it, the disguise could stay locked up. She'd be hunting in the meantime, not a suitable activity for a dress.

On cue, a rabbit made a mistake by jumping into a bush. Her stomach rumbled in response and, almost before she finished conceiving the thought, she was on the cuddly, yet delicious, rodent. Mina roasted it over an open fire, only necessary for the flavour and to hold onto that feeling of humanity. After all, no person could see just as clearly in the dark as the light, nor were they warm with or without a camp fire. Even the twigs and dirt didn't bother her scale-armoured flesh.

No house. No bed. No partner to share it with. Yet she was content. Mina stretched after her latest night of peace, ears catching all the sounds couriered by the wind, nose picking out the potential breakfast, while still savouring the stray lamb she'd come across. Her appetite had followed the rest of her in its growth.

Though not a speck of unwanted weight appeared on her body. Just a few months ago, she'd have gained several layers of fat, yet she processed it all so efficiently. If all Futanari handled meals like that, no wonder humanity were so aggressive. Give a king or queen a banquet and they'd become bedridden under their own weight. A Monster would ask for seconds.

She chuckled at her thought and continued on her way. In her thoughts, she'd acted on instinct and caught a deer, now half-eaten. The rest was slung over a shoulder, ready for dinner. As a human, Mina had relished a fight and even sought it at times, however her new body exemplified a huntress. She could be lost in a reverie and still take down a stray buck.

After a couple more days, the compass shone a brilliant gold. It pointed straight at the next town, no matter how she changed the angle. A resigned groan escaped her as she ducked behind a thicket to dress herself. For a Monster to be in a village of all places meant it was hiding. Mina trusted her senses, however this must be the raccoon, a tricky enough species without human intellect. Finding it wouldn't be easy.

With a deep breath, Mina headed past the walls and into the midst of danger. What a life she now had, that a village with guards, barricades and hospitality put her on edge more than the wild. She kept her urges to fiddle with her clothing in check while her eyes scoured for signs of the Futa. It had to be there. Her compass hadn't changed direction, though the glow had dimmed as to not draw attention.

Looking around the marketplace brought a wave of nostalgia. Enough to counter her unease, though she kept moving. The sounds and odours clouded her senses, throngs of people made it hard to pick out any defining features among them, and they kept brushing against her. Each touch ramped her heartbeat, thinking they'd discover her. They kept moving to her relief.

"This is hopeless," Mina sighed and sat on a quieter street. Whoever the Monster was, it was brave and patient to endure such a clever hiding spot, though she wondered how long it'd been there. As she contemplated another option, a delectable aroma caught her attention. She looked around to an open door of a tavern, where piping hot food prepared by a master was eaten. Her stomach growled, despite having eaten not an hour ago. It'd been so long since she last ate a proper meal.

Her stomach compelled her to enter and take a seat, ordering the largest platter available. Masturbation was a close second to the circus of flavours that she shovelled into her mouth. She'd never expected to miss vegetables, but they added a homeliness to the meal, she could all but hear her mother chiding her for not finishing them. Even for her bottomless gut, it left her stuffed. She wanted nothing more than to nap afterwards.

Then a problem came to her attention as she watched a pair of armed guards enter. A patron had eaten without paying, now they were on their way to jail. The escorts weren't gentle either, shoving and berating them. Her staring roused the suspicion of a server. They strode over, neck tense in case they needed to call for the guards again.

"That will be fifteen gold coins, ma'am. Please hurry. There's other diners waiting for a seat."

"Um," Mina bit her lip. Escape wasn't hard, but she didn't want to have a warrant for her arrest, not until she found the Monster. After that, she didn't care how the town treated her. She glanced around, hoping for a miracle to appear.

"If you cannot pay, I'll have the guards take you," the server said, above the ambience so the nearby enforcers heard. She didn't have time for miracles. The only choice left was to flee and look around in secret.

Before she could leap into action, a benevolent voice chimed in, "I'll pay for her."

Looking to the speaker, Mina frowned. Even among the relatively higher class clientèle, she had a whole other aura, regal almost. Glancing at the server, who straightened and bowed their head, shakily accepting the fifteen gold, before scampering away, made clear this wasn't a girl to be messed with. She sat opposite Mina with a bemused smirk.

"Thank you for the help," Mina said, glancing over the girl. As expected of wealth, the girl had a plump form. Breasts that'd fill out Mina's large hands, matched by hips overshadowing the chair.

"Don't worry about it. I'm curious about why someone would enter here without any coin. Looking at you, I'd wager you're a traveller. We don't see many in here."

"Why is that?"

The commanding girl leaned forward, a curtain of silky crimson falling around her face, "The lord of this town is paranoid. Doesn't like outsiders staying for very long. Those that do are taken away, stripped of their possessions and wealth, then thrown to the proverbial wolves."

"That's horrible," Mina said, observing the stranger's face for any hint as to her intentions.

"I agree. He really needs a lesson, but no one here will stand against him. Except me, not that I can do much."

"You're his daughter, aren't you?" Mina asked. The pale skin of nobility and pristine garments either meant she was right, or the girl had equivalent or greater authority. They grinned and nodded.

"Call me... Kara. Pleasure to meet you, miss..." Kara extended a hand.

"Mina." She shook her hand, mindful of her strength.

"Impressive grip. You're not just a traveller then. A hunter?"

"Something like that."

"Even better. You've guessed I didn't buy your meal just out of curiosity. I don't want much in return, just some help with my father."

"And if I refuse?"

"One scream and you'll be executed," Kara said, her smile light as ever.

"Sounds reasonable," Mina droned, "If I help you, my debt is paid?"

"Of course. It really is simple. I will get you into my home after my father and servants are away, then we'll rob him of his wealth. My hope is he'll see the errors of his ways then. If not, well, you'll get a cut and the townspeople can too."

"That can't be everything," Mina said and peered deep into the noble's peculiar violet eyes, "What do you get from this?"


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