We Three Pt. 01

Well, it's been a while. I'm back for a smidgen and decided to share with you some stories. This one is a memory just sitting on the shadowed shelf at the back of the library within my mind. In case you were unaware, I'm a little long-winded so if you were looking for a shorter, more pointed story, this is not what you're looking for. If you like details, then sit back and enjoy------

Some of the best memories of my College days were playing football with the guys. We called ourselves "the Magnificent Seven" and the guys were from the law and security program at our city's local college. It was an all-male, house league kind of thing. Not an actual team of course, more like pick up with each school of study having representation. We played most weekends during football season, at any local field we found that wasn't too muddy. Someone somewhere had a schedule and kept track of the standings. I just went where I was told and played when I could. The only reason I was on this team was because of a guy named Todd. But that's another story for another time.

This day was cool and overcast with enough wind from the west to pinch the cheeks of all of us, kissing us with a youthful cherry tinge. We just finished playing against the Business Admin guys and won, of course. We were trying to decide whether or not we wanted to hit the local sports bar for some beer and wings or head back to Aaron's like we usually did on Sundays to watch the evening game on his big screen. Amidst the hemming and hawing, I busied myself packing my stuff into my car. I didn't care what they chose, I was just as happy to go where I was told. They decided on Aaron's and the plan was that Dale would drive Aaron and grab the beer. Todd would take Scott, Matt and Shawn to drop off their cars and take them out to Aaron's. I would take my car because I wasn't a heavy drinker so I could drive myself home.

For the first time in a long time, because of girlfriends etc., it would be the whole Magnificent Seven at Aaron's and I for one was looking forward to it. It was so easy hanging with them. No pretense or awkwardness. No sexual tension or weirdness because I'm a woman. Even after initiation; another story for another time, I honestly believed they didn't look at me THAT way, most of the time. I know, I was naive but in my defence, I was 19 with baggage.

All I knew for sure was that I loved them and felt very privileged to be one of the guys and didn't pay attention to much else. Not that I didn't deserve to be on the team. Don't get it twisted. I was a great receiver. It helped the team that most other guys didn't want to take me down because of the taboo of me being female, but also I caught almost every single pass thrown my way. I took and gave hits as well as any of them and had the bruises to prove it. I knew the game very well, was solid and strong with thickness and softness in all the right places. I did weight lifting at our campus gym. Not to be healthy or compete but specifically to prove to them that I could press what they could. Well, the small guys anyway.

It was a 20-minute drive to Aaron's from the college, plus I had to stop at home first to let mum know I was going out and see if she needed anything before I left. It was the 90's so there were no cell phones yet. I was only a minute away so it was easy and respectful for the privilege of using her car. She worked in the morning so she needed the car then, but I was good for the rest of the night. So I was off.

As I pulled into Aaron's drive I was glad I had doddled enough for the guys to be there first.

"Hey. Where are we at?" I said as I walked in.

"Just in time, half time and we're up 15. I told ya you'd be struggling." Dale said with way too much pleasure in his voice. He was a Chargers fan and I was a Broncos fan. This was before Elway's win so we were, uh, struggling. I smirked to myself and hung my coat on a peg by the door and my runners underneath. When I turned around I almost bumped into Todd's chest. He's always so damn stealthy, and I didn't hear him get up.

"Hey," Todd said in his deep breathy voice, his face always way too close to mine.

When I said earlier about not having awkward or weird feelings with the guys most of the time, I was referring to the way Todd treated me. We went on a date once, and ever since that night he has kind of acted like I was his girlfriend. Taking liberties as he gets too close sometimes. He is slightly possessive and far too concerned with what other guys may or may not be intending towards me. I usually ignore him as per my initiation agreement not to flirt with or date the guys. However, even with my best intentions of denial, my body doesn't always listen.

Todd is a beautiful, tall, hulk of a man with skin of a deep chocolate brown. If I was honest with myself, I would admit to liking the attention and attentiveness of this man. He could read me and be uber polite and respectful. However I had a little apprehension with his possessiveness and as I said, I had baggage. The date didn't end as I expected and then this whole team rules thing and well, long story short he wasn't my boyfriend so he needed to try harder to act accordingly.

"Hey, wanna beer?" I asked as I headed to the kitchen. I also asked if Aaron had done his laundry because I usually had a shower after football and often forgot to bring my change of clothes. As I did this day. I would sometimes just wear his sweats if he had done his laundry. You know college guys and their dirty laundry, not good.

"Yes, I did my laundry. Of course, I did my laundry. Why do you always ask me that?" he replied and continued to mutter under his breath as I giggled to myself. Todd followed me to the kitchen. I headed to the fridge and found my beer. I couldn't find the opener in the drawer and as I rummaged for it Todd took my beer and opened it with his lighter, handing it back to me with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"What? Thank you. I would've found one," I said turning to the cupboards to get an ashtray. It was on the top shelf and as I struggled on tiptoes to reach for it, Todd had to of course rescue me by reaching above my hand to grab it for me. His warm body pressed against me, his arm up over mine holding the ashtray in the cupboard. He held that position long enough for me to start tingling deeply between my legs. He put left his hand on my hip holding me firmly in place after my feeble attempt to shift positions. I was worried someone would come into the kitchen. Speaking over my shoulder, close enough to his face to smell the mint on his breath I whispered, "Todd, what are you doing? The rules, the guys!"

"No one is coming Beth, besides I just wanted to remind you," he said lowering his hand and handing me the ashtray. He squeezed my hip before he turned me around. In a quick swift movement, he grabbed my butt and put me up on the counter. It took my breath away.

"Do you remember Baby?" he whispered in my face, lowering in for a kiss. His hands sliding my body closer to the edge of the counter and closer to him. He kissed me enveloping my whole mouth, lips and all, before sliding his tongue in, probing for mine. Deep within my pussy I remembered him as the blood rushed in, his hard manhood grinding against it. There was no doubt just how turned on he was. After he withdrew from our kiss and stepped back from me, he looked down as he reached down and felt just how turned on I was too. Even if I wanted to deny him my wet spot spoke the truth. He smiled at me before walking back into the living room.

"I guess you do remember," he said as he rounded the corner.

I finally breathed out and my head started to clear. "Gaahhh," I exclaimed under my breath. "Every damn time."

I could feel the blood pulsing in my lower lips as I hopped down. I adjust my clothes and headed to the living room. I found a spot on the floor and finished watching the game. Broncos lost and although not surprised, I was frustrated with Dale and his smack talk during the last half. I was secretly praying we would pull it back out but we aren't a 4th quarter team. The pizza arrived between games and since Aaron had done his laundry, I went up to shower before the start of the evening game. I had a suspicion about Todd so I locked the bathroom door. I thought I heard a rattle on the door handle while I was showering, but maybe not. I changed in the bathroom instead of Aaron's room just to be on the safe side.

I rejoined the guys and we shot the shit while the game played in the background. Nobody's team was playing so none of us had a vested interest in it. After the first half was done Todd announced that he was leaving. I think he was hinting that I should be going too but I ignored it. Besides that, I had to wait to sober up before I left. I was having a good time, enjoying the game and the company. As usual, Shawn, Todd, and the other guys left before the game ended which sucked. All of the guys were very important to me. I'd played ball with them for 2 years and we'd all become very close. I thought that they thought of me as a little sister, or like one of the guys. I wasn't sure but for about 2 years they hadn't made any kind of advances toward me. I had little doubt that the love we all shared was platonic and long-lasting.

I headed to the kitchen to grab another beer and something sweet.

"You guys good or do you need another?" I called from the other room.

"No we're good," Aaron answered.

When I sat down, I realized that I forgot the bottle opener again and I tried to use the bottom of the sweatshirt to twist off my cap or something even though it wasn't a twist top. It wasn't working.

"Moose, please," I asked handing Dale my beer to open. He too did the lighter thing. I couldn't help but notice as I always did, that the size of his big mitts made my bottle look tiny as he handed it back.

"Thank you, sir," I said smiling. With a beer in hand, I plopped myself in the small space between the two men and put my feet up on the coffee table mimicking their poses.

"Score please," I asked during the commercial.

It was a tie and Aaron was rolling a joint. I didn't have a problem with how they chose to party but I had never done it myself. I had a 20-minute drive home and unless the game went into overtime, I always planned on driving. So sobriety was important. My dad had been a cop and had always pushed the envelope on what his fellow officers would let him get away with. I spent many nights looking out the window at the car drifting over the white line on the shoulder, holding my breath until we were safely in our driveway. My grandfather taught me how to drive at 12 so I'd feel more secure in case I had to take the wheel. It did help and it also made me value the importance of not driving while impaired. Given that it was 11ish and the game was in the last quarter, this would be my last beer.

Aaron slowly dragged his tongue across the edge of the rolling paper as he looked to me then asked, "So you staying the night?"

I felt something flutter inside of me. I asked if he thought the game might go into overtime. He shrugged, so I contemplated staying. I could still wake and be back in plenty of time for mum to get to work. I looked over at Dale. He was staring straight ahead intently watching some silly commercial about hair dye for men. He was 26 and had no grey at all. I wondered why it was so fascinating for him.

"You staying Moose?" I said as I nudged his arm.

He looked back at me, directly into my eye and in a deep tone replied, "I'm staying if you are."

At that moment something dropped from my chest to the pit of my stomach. I looked back to Aaron who had a very peculiar and slightly guilty look on his face. I couldn't put my finger on what was going on but something told me they were on the same page with each other. I looked back at the TV thankfully the game was back on. I dismissed any of the strange ideas that had been running through my head and chalked it up to the moon or some such thing causing my arousal.

Aaron turned, and with one arm around the back of me and the other reaching across the front of me he offered the now lit joint to Dale. Dale turned and reached over me in the same fashion, lingering a little closer than normal, but I didn't mind. I usually never felt like I was in the way, I just felt like I was no different than any of the others and we had no problems invading each other's space. Tonight though I was very aware of how warm I felt with their arms encircling me. However briefly it lasted, it was still hard to concentrate on the game. I know I think too much but my libido was always in overdrive with all the testosterone, and pheromones floating around us as a group. I normally could count on my body not to deceive me and had control of, things. Tonight I felt a bit off. I felt a bit, out of control of myself.

A few minutes later the silence in the room was beginning to bother me. Aaron still staring at me must have read my mind.

"So you gonna stay or not, Beth? What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Aaron asked.

Wait what did he just say?

I turned suddenly to face him, meeting his gaze. His eyes dark and intense, again I felt the thud of my heart in my belly. I felt the moistness dampen his sweat pants. Damn, should have brought some underwear.

"Uh ya, sure, I can stay. I mean I want to stay. Yes," my voice had no strength in it as I tripped over my words. I tried to swallow quietly.

Aaron looked past me and gave a knowing look to Dale. I turned to look at Dale who was also already looking at me. I missed something. I turned back to Aaron. He reached his hand to my face and leaned in for a kiss. I was frozen, dumbfounded but suddenly it all made sense. I shivered as his tongue pushed its way into my mouth and began searching for mine. The inside of his mouth was like wet velvet; warm and smooth. The heat that boiled up to the surface of my skin, tingled like a thousand tiny needles. Something from somewhere deep inside of me made me feel like I was going to pass out. I couldn't believe this was happening, or that it would feel so amazing. I leaned into him as he pulled away, feeling fuzzy. When I opened my eyes it took me a minute to see straight. I turned back to face the TV, but for the life of me, I couldn't tell you what was on. I was breathing heavily. I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

Dale leaned over me to pass the doob back to Aaron and this time he took a little liberty and slid his hand, in a very obvious fashion across my breast and I sucked in air at the feel of him touching me. I looked up at his face as he stayed stretched across me. When he looked down into my eyes I was lost. Nothing could pull me from his gaze and a voice inside my head was screaming for him to kiss me. Part of me was curious, would it be as hot as Aaron's kiss and the other part was carnal desire.

Dale put his hand on the nape of my neck and pulled me in his direction as he tilted his head to kiss me. His kiss was much less gentle and his pull was so forceful that as he sat back, I was flung against his chest, my hand falling into his lap for support, inches from his crotch. My breasts crushed against his chest while his other hand was on the small of my back holding me firm, roughly. As he pressed his lips to mine, he growled, his tongue hungry for mine. The beer on his breath was intoxicating. The rest of the world was shut off while he kissed me.

I didn't notice Aaron turn off the TV or reposition himself behind me. As with Aaron, when Dale released me from his kiss I lingered in a fog; my mouth, my mind and my body were not connected or ready to let go. After a few seconds, while Dale patiently watched, I did manage to regain my faculties and attempted to sit back. Aaron had moved so that I had nowhere to sit but right in his lap, which he guided me into gently. I could feel his arousal press against my tale bone seconds before his arms encircled me as he passed the doob back to Dale. He nuzzled my neck. His hand on my throat as Dale and I remained locked in each other's gaze. Although I could feel Aaron's kisses and the moistness of his breath on my neck, I was lost in the surreal, erotic, situation. When Dale offered me the doob I took it without thinking. I was a smoker so my drag was deep. I held in the cough as I exhaled. They both chuckled a bit and my inexperience.

"Take it easy Kitten, it's not a cigarette," Dale murmured as he took his turn before passing it back to Aaron.

It didn't take long for me to start feeling high but I wasn't completely convinced it was all the weed. I was tipsy and drunk in lust, but I think the weed was taking care of insecurities.

With his hands free, Dale stretched my legs out in front of me and on either side of his lap. My thoughts were muddled. This was really happening and I wasn't sure what to do. Sure I'd had sex before but never with two people at once and never in front of another person before. I was very aroused though. I wanted it. I loved these guys and felt safe with them. Safe from judgment and safe from danger, no matter how rough I had secretly hoped it might get.

Aaron held the doob for me to take another toke. his hands slipped up under my sweatshirt and cupped my breast, kneading them softly. I felt incredible. Why did it feel so good I thought. This made me close my eyes as I took a drag, slowly this time. Feeling his fingers circling my soft areola, making my nipples perk up. I sighed as I took yet another slow drag holding it longer this time as I listened to Aaron breathe. Was it his breath getting faster or mine, I wondered. I exhaled and passed to Aaron. I was suddenly aware of Dale's huge hands, firmly sliding up the inside of my thighs. His roughness pulling me from the gentleness of Aaron's touch. The contrast between sensations made my stomach flutter. Dale's fingertips barely missed my mound and I felt my disappointment. He hooked his fingers in my waistband and pulled the pants down my hips. I put my hands on his shoulders to lift my bum so he could pull them off.

"Fuuuuck Beth, you shave it? That is so sexy," Aaron whispered in my ear as another puff of smoke wafted in my face.

"Jesus kitten, that smooth cunt looks good enough to eat. I'm a fucking rock just looking at it," Dale said. He was always cruder than the others and secretly I liked it.

As he pulled the pants the rest of the way off, Aaron offered him the last toke. I was positively dripping as they assessed my body. And somewhat relieved to have that last step of apprehension dissolve. Aaron slowly took the edge of my sweatshirt and pulled it up my stomach to expose my breasts while Dale toked and watched intently.

"Take her shirt off," Dale demanded, stubbing out the roach in the ashtray. "I need to see all of her, now."

Dale's hands were caressing my legs even rougher than before and with more urgency. He was getting closer to my lips with every pass and I could hear his breathing quicken. Aaron pulls the sweatshirt over my head. My wet hair fell down, covering my chest, leaving only my nipples jutting through. Lying fully naked in front of them was way out of my comfort zone, but the weed had started to affect me more and I closed my eyes. I felt like I was floating, and somewhere distant was an amazing feeling of Aaron and Dale caressing me all over. I didn't want to come down but I was brought back when Aaron bit my shoulder.

"Oh, kitten, I knew you were gorgeous, fuuuuck," Dale said as he reached over his shoulders to pull his t-shirt off.

Gorgeous? Is that what he just called me? I felt like I was having an auditory hallucination. Then I saw his naked chest and sinewy arms and just didn't care. He moved my leg to get up and I couldn't help but stare, waiting for him to take his pants off. I had wondered about him in the past, it's natural after all, him being such a big man. I mean we call him moose. So yes, I was damn curious. My eyes were fixed on the bulge in his pants. He noticed me and took his time.












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